The ministerial staff proclaims the Word of God by witnessing through teaching, preaching, and evangelizing.
Elder Edmon Darrisaw—Pastor
Elder Michael Anderson—Associate Pastor/Sunday School Superintendent
Elder Eric Darrisaw—Associate Pastor
Missionary Cassandra McBride, Deaconess Missionary
Missionary Mary Huggins, Deaconess Missionary
Missionary Laverne Anderson, Deaconess Missionary
Sister Kera Reid, Aspiring Missionary
Usher Board members greet visitors, make sure that all feel welcome and comfortable, and execute the directions of the Pastor.
Members: Sister Gloria Tanner, Sister Anne Hinestroza, Sister Denice Jackson
Building Fund is tasked with raising fund for a new church building.
President: Sister Anne Hinestroza
Visitation and Home Ministry provides spiritual fellowship to members who are unable to physically attend services.
Members: Aspiring Missionary Kera Reid and Missionary Cassandra McBride
Youth and Scholastic Motivational Ministry
Leaders: Aspiring Missionary Kera Reid, and Missionary LaVerne Anderson
Home and Foreign Missions Ministry distributes essentials, such as food, clothing and toiletries, to persons in need while offering spiritual comfort.
Leader: Missionary Cassandra McBride
Music Ministry ministers through music by praising God in song.
President: Sister Mary Huggins
Choir Director: Sister Shawna Tanner
Pastor's Aide Ministry provides support to the Pastor and his family in all areas of their lives.
President: Sister Mary Huggins